Stop the Bleed and Bicycle Safety Event: A Day of Learning and Fun

Stop the Bleed and Bicycle Safety Event: A Day of Learning and Fun

July 17, 2024

Douglas County Memorial Hospital (DCMH) recently hosted a fantastic event focused on keeping our community safe: the “Stop the Bleed and Bicycle Safety” day. It was a great opportunity for families to learn essential safety skills and have some fun together.

Life-Saving Skills: Stop the Bleed

Our amazing nurses showed everyone how to apply a tourniquet correctly, a crucial skill in emergencies involving severe bleeding. Attendees got hands-on practice, leaving them confident in their ability to help in critical situations. Learning these techniques can make a life-saving difference!

Keeping Kids Safe: Bicycle Safety

We also focused on bicycle safety for kids. Every child got a brand-new, properly fitted helmet to ensure they stay

protected while riding. Our team made sure each helmet fit just right, emphasizing the importance of wearing one every time they ride.

Kids also learned:

  • The importance of always wearing a helmet.
  • How to understand traffic signals and signs.
  • Proper hand signals for turning or stopping.
  • How to check their bike before each ride.

 A Day to Remember

The event was a wonderful mix of education and community bonding. Parents and kids appreciated the
chance to learn these vital safety skills in a fun and interactive way.

Looking Ahead

DCMH is committed to continuing our efforts in community education and safety. We’re excited to host more events like this in the future, so stay tuned for updates!